it's not about who you spend the most time with...
it's who you have the best memories with.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

life after haircuts... too short.

(eliza i will get you a list of twenty asap, don't fret.)

i can officially begin to cross of something from a previous post :)  numero uno...caching...

my fellow cacher and i have a certain alias that we like to use while caching...i can not state it in writing due to the disclosures.  we went 4-3 so we ended up with a W for the day...but we will try those three again really soon, i think the competitiveness in me will not accept that we could not find them.  here are a few pics from our trip around town.
well i was going to attempt to post a video that recapped the day...but sadly it did not work. :( sorry bloggies.


as you probably already noted the clever title to this blog entry and thought to yourself where is this thing going??? yes, today i indeed got some hairscut.  it was a long time coming for me and my fellow dragon-mate.  this is what it looks like now...hasn't been this short for awhile...but i like it. :)

that's all i got for nows...

oh and ending yesterday with a little bit of sunshine...
the future depends on
what we do in the present.

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