life has been a little weird lately. days seem to have no separation, almost zombie like. i have been keeping busying working at tech. starting to freak out about where i will be in a year from now, yes you read that correctly a YEAR. a year is 12 months, that's practically 52 weeks, which is close to 8,736 hours, give or take 31,149,600 seconds. just sitting and waiting for the unknown sometimes makes you...freak out.
well...yesterday was my LAST day at tech! (well until the semester starts back up again.) so what am i going to do with myself with almost two weeks of summer vacay...well i'm glad you asked.
i may go and do a little bit of this...
or maybe a little bit of that...
i plan on spending some good times at the lake or in a canoe for the next two weeks with my sistor.
so while i am at my home, well my parent's home...i'll be trying to figure out this thing called 'relaxation' and 'afternoon naps'. i just feel the need to always have a plan and be on the go. even when i don't have anything to do and should be 'relaxing' i am already thinking about what i will be doing as soon as i get back to keep your fingers crossed.
oh on the recap...
i will be being called "Ms. Jolie" by 31 freshman in the class i will be teaching in about two weeks. i had my workshop yesterday for it and i am a little nervous. i am mainly just ready to get it rolling and get past the first two classes, i think/hope i will be fine after that. but i am really excited that i will get to be teaching. (shouldn't i get a red hangtag for that???) you WOULD think that...but no, i'll be stuck in good ole yellow parking over by the spoony. :( but they have updated the look of our hangtags this at least it'll be pretty, cause that's all that really matters, right?
also, wedding season has come to a close...i think. wedding season is that time span from spring to summer where everyone you know is starting to get married and you have a wedding to go to every weekend it seems like. don't get me wrong i enjoy going to them...but 3 in a row, that's a lot of white...a lot of flower petals...a lot of shoes. okay now i officially sound like the wedding grinch. it's not that i am a grinch but working m-f and looking forward to your bum might turn you into somewhat of a grinch. but i do enjoy weddings and i do enjoy the joyful tears they bring, especially when they are from the groom. (almost made ME cry!) but next season people, can we coordinate to at least every other saturday? thanks. my people thank your people.
well i'll keep you posted on my vacay. now that i have some time to enjoy the blogger world again. i'll leave you with a pic from my lake bff, teague. i gave him a reese's and we have been besties since. :)
OH! one last thing...a very important shout out to my reader from Garden Plain, Kansas. you know who you are!!! thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed!!! :)
life is but a breath
don't waste it.
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