I will be leaving May 30th and I will return on July 25th...then off to Cali-forn-ia...Cal-forn-ia...Here I Coooooome!

This summer is going to be full of adventures and experiences and I can not wait...but I will miss the A-R-K-A-N-S-AS.
In other news...
I graduated college! Which still is kind of weird, I feel like I'm on a regular summer break...I mean yeah I will be back in the fall. However, it will be a lot different. Definitely less hang out time and I will be off campus...where? ...good question. Surprisingly I'm not too worried about it at the moment, which is a rare thing.
I don't really have anything clever to say other than...I just finished watching p.s. i love you. and it confirmed me moving to Ireland one day, but that's all I have for you now.
they say the wind is everyone that you have ever loved.
grazing their lips upon your cheek.
grazing their lips upon your cheek.